matteocontrini No worries. It’s just a little frustrating because I can customize something like a WordPress site all day long, but Flarum just cannot be customized (besides some basics with CSS) by your average website owner. Still, I’m a fan of Flarum. And, this particular feature I don’t really know if it’s even important or not.
Even if all links (external too) open in the same window, some say that’s best... Let the user use their browser back button. This whole opening certain links in new windows thing is something I go back and forth on repeatedly. Does it really matter? Maybe Flarum core has made the right decision to open ALL links in the same window. The user needs to utilize their browser features. Go back as needed.
All I know is, more and more, I’m finding myself sticking with only core extensions and some fof extensions and that’s about it because too many issues arise when you add too many extensions or try to do something “fancy.”