eddiewebb should they be linked to discussions like polls or free
010101 [ ] should they be linked to discussions like polls or free
Definitely not a critical feature. But, could be nice to have each event tied to a discussion post so that members can talk about it.
I would second this, having it linked like a poll makes sence
[deleted] Another feature I'd add is the ability to send email reminders etc...
There could be auto reminders eg dates upcoming/digest? You could add an option to attach additional discussions and each one with the 'first post' could be the notification? Perhaps when RSVP or 'subscribe' to the event each notification could open a new discussion (referencing the same event/main discussion) with options to target? If the option to target is based on who has RSVP'ed then it could create a fof/byobu
eddiewebb [deleted] I opened a GH issue for that. Also need to think how best to control potential spamming.
Could they be linked to the descuttion, could reminders
Expanding on the data, can
- an 'all day' toggle be included
- a where/location (that can take a URL or map link) echoing
Amarok possibility to add a location (city location or url for virtual event)
- Feature icon & colour (with permission to restrict)? Perhaps inherited from an tags?
- Tags (thought if linked to a discussion AKA
style then, echoing
ctml tag groups in an event
@eddiewebb is it better to raise in on eddiewebb/flarum-calendarissues ?
There also may be issues with the formatting on mobile (PWA) where the UI for the creation form make creation unviable. Perhaps the same as eddiewebb/flarum-calendar29