Howdy all. I'm working on an Events Calendar for flarum. The goal is to let users schedule events to share with others.
It's not feature rich, but has core components, the concept is meeting my expectations, but is early days.

- [x] Data model and DB migrations
- [x] API to CRUD events
- [x] New UI route to calendar page
- [x] JS Frontend (I was exploring "fullcalendar" as a nice looking option)
- [x] Events details modal or page (exists, can be prettier)
- [x] Events create modal or page
- [x] permissions for create and moderate
In Progress
Up Next
- [ ] Hosts and Attendees (currently just actor)
Open Decisions
- [ ] should they be linked to discussions like polls or free
- [ ] searching?
- [ ] roles: single owner, what about hosts, attendees, what are the cardinality
Also, if you just have ideas/input, etc. Feel free to raise here or on github issues.
composer require webbinaro/flarum-calendar