• Dev
  • Events Calendar WIP - Help Wanted

Hi @eddiewebb

This is a killer extension. I noticed on the GitHub page it doesn't seem like it's ready for Flarum v1.0. Is that correct? Thank you for all the hard work. This will be a pivotal extension for my native plant group website.

    10 days later


    Thank you!

    I have not moved it beyond beta 16 yet. I was waiting for stability, and then got tied up with life, job change, etc.

    But I'll try to squeeze in some time this weekend perhaps! ( I don't think it should take too much)

      20 days later

      eddiewebb Do add embed calandar feature, we want to use it in static pages 😍

      I see that the buttons at top of calendar capturs of the first post are using Bootstrap. You can change it to Flarum's style?

      25 days later

      eddiewebb Awesome Eddie! Checking it our shortly. Appreciate it again. This will be key for my little club.

      10 days later

      Seems to work great. Thanks a lot!

      Three minor issues:

      1. When clicking on a date to create a new event it does not actually use the date selected.
      2. After having finished the input of an event, the input forms remain filled with the old data when trying to input a new event. Only a page reload seems to empty them again.
      3. In mobile view mode the calendar has an unnecessary vertical scroll-bar & the list view is also much shorter then necessary with a lot of white-space below.

        poVoq Great feedback, Can you drop those into a Github issue please?

        eddiewebb how can i retrieve the event list? i'm working on this widget
        for now it return a promise...i can't get the events

        Maybe integration with the RSS-syndication plugin would be cool as well.

        widget is almost ready, i just want to add some function but it will look like this:

        the widget display current day + tomorrow events

        @eddiewebb after my pr please test well everything and maybe you can add some functions too, you know this extension better than me 🙂

          Maybe a "this week" widget could be also done as an alternative?