yardimlazim luceos I changed some lines in php.ini. Could this have caused the problem? I really want to solve this problem. Please guide me. Some lines from my php.ini file_uploads =On allow_url_fopen = On memory_limit = 256M upload_max_filesize = 100M cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0 max_execution_time = 360
luceos yardimlazim Edit: This CPU usage (%65.4) is for a visitor's first request after cache is cleared. Whenever you clear cache the compiled CSS and js is removed. The first user hitting the forum then builds those anew. Don't clear cache unnecessarily or use the precompiling extension I wrote for Bokt to build assets ahead of that first visit. I'm on mobile otherwise I would have linked it here.
yardimlazim luceos What percentage of CPU should an average page use when opening (For an old user whitout clear cache) How many new users can visit my website with 1CPU at the same time? Is there a problem when I post a linked story from my Instagram account? luceos use the precompiling extension I wrote for Bokt to build assets ahead of that first visit. I'm on mobile otherwise I would have linked it here. I am waiting for precompiling extension. I will be very happy if you link it. Thank you.
yardimlazim luceos The reason for the high CPU usage is that I use Cyberpanel? Because, @[deleted] said that "Can you disable LiteSpeed and try without?" and I thing Cyberpanel uses LiteSpeed.
[deleted] yardimlazim and I thing Cyberpanel uses LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed is a caching engine. You should be able to disable this without it breaking anything.
rob006 [deleted] LiteSpeed is a caching engine. You should be able to disable this without it breaking anything. LiteSpeed is a webserver (like Apache or Nginx). You should not expect that your forum will work after disabling it. @yardimlazim Checking top/htop output during single request is not reliable, you will get just random results depending on timing. You may try use tool like ab to simulate real traffic, but I'm not sure if it work fine for SPA app like Flarum.
yardimlazim rob006 LiteSpeed is a webserver (like Apache or Nginx) Which one is better for performance? LiteSpeed or Nginx...
[deleted] rob006 LiteSpeed is a webserver (like Apache or Nginx). You should not expect that your forum will work after disabling it. What I meant was you should be able to turn off the cache with no impact, which is factual. That's what you get for replying to a thread at stupid o'clock 🤔 https://help.krystal.uk/web-hosting/how-to-disable-lite-speed-server-caching
rob006 yardimlazim Which one is better for performance? LiteSpeed or Nginx... It does not matter in context of small Flarum forum - PHP and MySQL will be responsible for most of the load, so as long PHP and MySQL are not misconfigured, you can use whatever webserver you want.
AnotiaWang Your situation is way better than mine XD High usage of CPU when a visitor opens the website or when I use composer to install or remove plugins. 1 Core, 1G RAM, 1.5G Swap
askvortsov AnotiaWang high usage of resources while using composer is to be expected, composer is very resource heavy. High usage when compiling assets is also normal.