Hi all.
Today I found myself unable to use my mail server with a self signed tls certificate and I did not find how to configure this in the options.
So I temporarily modified the file "/vendor/flarum/core/src/Mail/SmtpDriver.php" (yes I know, it's dirty) by adding this to the buildTransport () function:
$ transport-> setStreamOptions ([
'ssl' => ['allow_self_signed' => true, 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false]
I haven't found a "clean" way to do this.
So question: is it possible to do it?
Otherwise, suggestion: is it possible to add this in the email settings?
Don't throw tomato at me, it's on a development server and I didn't want to have a valid certificate on it: P
Thank you for your answers and for the development of this magnificent flarum 🙂