DursunCan I had a backup on my beta 13 installed site. I want to install this backup. I have public folder, composer file and database backups. How can I install beta 13 with Composer?
luceos Install flarum as usual, including the database setup so that a config.php file is written. Copy the composer files and public folder back. Restore the database. Run composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev -a Run php flarum migrate
DursunCan Exts in Beta 14 are incompatible. That's why I need to install beta 13. Can you share the composer command to install beta 13?
clarkwinkelmann DursunCan if you restore your composer.json AND composer.lock, then run composer install as shown above, this will install all the exact versions of Flarum, extensions, and dependencies you had from the time of the backup.
luceos DursunCan inside your composer.json set "flarum/core": "v0.1.0-beta.13", set all extensions to * and run composer update --prefer-dist --no-dev -a.