If I offered to put together a completely free platform designed to mentor and nurture people looking to get into Technology and / or Infosec, and more importantly, act as a Pro bono technology consultancy and advisory service, would you use it ?
Here's my thoughts. Many people have had their careers displaced, and income seriously affected by COVID19, so to me, this feels like the right thing to do in an effort to help others who have suddenly found themselves in a position where they need to reinvent. Getting access to quality information, guidance, advice, etc all seems to come at a premium these days, and I'm looking to change that.
To be clear, this isn't for monetisation - it's completely free. I have a day job that pays me 🙂
30 years of extensive and solid experience "in the trenches" waiting to be tapped here. Mostly in finance and manufacturing industries. It's a little way off being ready for final release (but don't let that put you off), but progress can be followed on https://metabullet.com
What makes me qualified to do this is here 🙂