Ffuser1 @IanM I love this extension. It enable me follow someone that post interesting stuffs. Is it possible to add a modal can be added under users to list all users that the current logged in user follows. And another to list all users following the current logged in user.
ToneLune Hello, excellent extension ! On my instance (Beta 16 with FOF-Follow tag actived before), only Admin's user can use this new function. I've tried many permissions, is it only for me ?
IanM 0.2.2 Address issue where non-admins could not follow regular users (AleM Chinapyg [deleted] enricodx ToneLune ) Please accept my apologies for the delay in fixing this issue 💝 Updating composer require ianm/follow-users:"*" php flarum cache:clear
AleM @IanM Hello, could you help us with that follow issue please? We get to see follow user only as admin.
IanM AleM sorry for the late reply. I'll take a look within the next day or two to get this resolved for you. Please bear with me 🙂
AleM tolgaaaltas Yes I did, users can follow is set in Admin panel, but in front end I don t get any option for normal users, I get it though as Admin. Do you use it? Does it works for you?
TBag hello .. thank you for the plugin... very good plugin .... is this plugin shows followers counter on profile page like twitter /instagram / tiktok?
IanM TBag Currently no, it does not show a follower count. If there's a reasonable demand for this, it is something that could be added fairly easily...
IanM 1.0.0 Add filter integration with fof/user-directory Add search gambit is:followeduser Flarum 1.0 ready Installing composer require ianm/follow-users:"*" php flarum cache:clear
Geraldlzc Error publishing new post after installing this plug-in. https://discuss.flarum.org/d/27410-error-creating-new-post/3
IanM Geraldlzc interesting, I will look into this problem in a moment… [edit] I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Considering this extension does not modify the serializer output, I think it's likely to be caused by another factor