010101 Braden If you originally set up Flarum using http, then you switch to https, it’s almost like a different site. You may need to manually change the site's URL in the config file? I don’t remember exactly.
Braden 010101 I have seen that now after taking off the whole site and installing flarum on https no problem with css i wish i had known earlier. Now what will happen if i change the database to old one?
010101 Braden As long as the db username/password is adjusted, the previous database should work fine.
Braden clarkwinkelmann Thank you! I found this in the file. Have you seen this problem? [2021-02-22 09:43:24] flarum.ERROR: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Class 'Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid' not found in /xx/public_html/vendor/kyrne/shout/src/Conversation.php:2
clarkwinkelmann Braden Seems like an issue in Shout. @Kyrne have you forgotten to add ramsey/uuid as a composer dependency?
Kyrne clarkwinkelmann Ah yup! That's what happens when you maintain 2 different repos for the same ext! Try 0.3.3!
luceos Braden i guess you will need kyrne/websockets: Kyrne Realtime Shout is shipped with WebSockets support. See when another user is typing and receive new messages in real time.
Braden @luceos @clarkwinkelmann @askvortsov On right hand we have, Reply , follow and share, i wanted to add - Save to Pocket i hope you have heard of that feature?
clarkwinkelmann Can we try to stick to one discussion for one feature? I have no idea what this discussion is about anymore.