MichaelBelgium DursunCan I think thats possible if you set the permission "view discussions" to "members" only, so only members can view discussions fakruzaruret Thats not possible for now, either you hide it for everyone or show it for everyone
DursunCan MichaelBelgium If I don't open discussions to everyone, my topics won't be indexed on search engine sites like google. It is already bad to show the visitor in the viewer, only members should appear.
fakruzaruret DursunCan Exactly true. MichaelBelgium is it possible for next releases? I think hiding views numbers option from non-member users is effective and neccessary. This data is valuable. Everyone should not see. I hope it will come at next release 😃
Littlegolden robinodds @media (min-width: 768px){ .IndexPage li.item-discussion-views { margin-right: -70px; width: 55px; } }
Littlegolden DursunCan I Updated the css code above just now. Please check it, I think this time will fix the issue.
DursunCan Littlegolden Can you send the css code? Is this the code? .item-discussion-views { margin-right: -61px; }
Littlegolden DursunCan The 6th posts from this post to the above posts, there is the new css code. If it works, please let me know~
MichaelBelgium fakruzaruret Yes its definitely possible, ill probably plan it together with the request of DursunCan Would appreciate if both requests were in a github issue
fakruzaruret tolgaaaltas I know. He offered hide discussions for everyone but this is not good for me. Everyone must see all discussions. I have asked that will the feature I mentioned come at next releases. He said not possible for now. So I am wondering for future possiblity.
amanijoseph87 Alshain I don't know how to contact you but can you share the style theme you have in your forum please if you don't mind.