Anonymous43 This needs to be, viewable to members that have X amount of posts to view spoiler integrated.
katos Anonymous43 You could likely do that in conjunction with "Trust levels" (I think it's called that?) by @askvortsov
askvortsov katos Trust levels will be expanded to handle more stuff than just adding groups, but it still depends on permissions introduced by extensions.
clarkwinkelmann davwheat this extension is incompatible with Internet Explorer Flarum itself is incompatible with Internet Explorer ðĪŠ
clarkwinkelmann TheDcoder that Composer requirement means it can be installed (but not necessarily tested compatible) with any version >=0.1.0-beta.15 and <0.2.0 See for an in-depth explanation of all the version/requirements mechanics. Because not all extensions are affected by breaking changes, the minimal requirements do not need to match with the latest Flarum release. Although it's indeed a good indicator for more complex extensions which will most certainly be affected by breaking changes.
davwheat TheDcoder Clark is completely right -- the ext is compatible with B15 and B16, and I didn't want to "take it away" from B15 users still waiting for updates for their other exts.
davwheat 1.0.0 Changed Marked as compatible with Flarum Stable 1.0 Updating composer update flarumite/simple-spoilers:"*" php flarum cache:clear
mceyes HI! How can i program a simple condition in the LESS code based on the amount of likes received by an user? If I didn't go wrong the file should be in flarumite/simple-spoilers/resources/less/components/spoiler.less I would like to make something like "Click here to show spoiler (you must have 5/10 likes)". I think this would be a great feature for forums ð
askvortsov mceyes The easiest way would be to create a set of display rules attached to a CSS class name, and then use JS to add the class name if the condition is met. Keep in mind though that users could just inspect element to see the content.
Darkle Is there a way to make a spoiler already open by default? maybe there is a setting that is not in the readme? ð EDIT: Don't think about it, I got it by adding another BBCode [spoileropen] with <details class="flarumite-spoiler" open> by default.