Flarum BBCode Tag
Tag a word or phrase by using one of the following BBCode. These turn the wrapped text into a search link. Do not use this and my zerosonesfun/Hashtags extension together. This is meant to replace the original Hashtags extension. Internal searches open in the same tab, external ones such as the Google search, open in an external tab and have the appropriate rel attributes for SEO.
Screenshot (links will of course be the color of your forum's links):
- search forum
- search forum (plus # is added)
- cashtag - search stock via Google (plus $ is added)
[g=google search]
- conduct Google search
[ts=search tweets]
- search Twitter
Install & Update
composer require zerosonesfun/flarum-bbcode-tag
php flarum cache:clear
composer remove zerosonesfun/flarum-bbcode-tag