Justoverclock is just a composer constraint that need to be updated @mekici flarumtr/flarum-ext-mobile-search1 PR created
Pirat do I have to wait for the author to add the code, or can I install it myself? Justoverclock the point is that I don't know how to get around the limitation in the console to load the extension
Pirat good, but this permission works with blog, otherwise I also want it to be displayed there. if it is possible of course. https://discuss.flarum.org/d/33038-blog-adds-a-blog-section-to-your-community/331
mekici Pirat Thanks for the pull request. Composer.json has been updated. but i didn't test it. Let me know if you encounter any problems. Install composer require flarumtr/flarum-ext-mobile-search Update composer update flarumtr/flarum-ext-mobile-search
Pirat mekici Can you add support for expanding blog? https://discuss.flarum.org/d/33038-blog-adds-a-blog-section-to-your-community/331
fakruzaruret Pirat yes adding support for blog extension is good idea. Searching is very important function for a forum and it should be on forefront.