MartinJD Without wanting to appear to minimise your issue here, are you actually seeing slow page load times when using the forum? And I mean from a user perspective, rather then timing stats.
Great points. The answer here is sometimes - responses seem to be lagged, and even the simplest of actions seem slower at various points
MartinJD I ask this because for me your forums seem to load super quick, I don’t notice any lag, but as a fellow IT person, I’m aware that sometimes we have a tendency to get hung up on metrics, when in actual fact they don’t always show the full picture 😀
And as a fellow IT person, I totally get that. The last thing I want is to disappear into oblivion solving something that doesn't need solving. Metric obsession is not healthy, and it's not a holy grail I'm chasing attempting to get 100% or an A rating across the board as in most cases, that's not attainable. I just thought that particularly using OPCache, the PHP scripts would be in memory - I can see hits against the OPCache, but do not see any tangible increase in speed.
Overall, TTFB is a horrible metric, but unfortunately, something of a ranking factor in Google searches.