rob006 Justoverclock It is fixed in main branch, but last release still has Italian strings in en.yml.
Justoverclock 0.1.2 composer update justoverclock/flarum-ext-contactme:"*" php flarum cache:clear Clean style for not logged in user
GreXXL Justoverclock Awesome extension. Here some suggestions: or or
Justoverclock GreXXL @tolgaaaltas what do u think about this version? is local for now actually i would like to make a better title also, but i'm finished the creativity, someone have suggestions?
tolgaaaltas Justoverclock Sorry for late reply, could you change your green to #48BF83 and red to #d13e32? I think softer colors looks better on Flarum. You can also change title image to FA icon.
Justoverclock 0.1.3 New css improvements for not logged in/Message Sent Extension now use fontawesome icon instead of images Added New Translations let me know if something does not work as expected 🙂
Spooonky Hey, could you add some more features? Here is a list that would be great: Subject (possibly as a list with predefined titles) Own page title Custom pages text Color of the custom css Only visible when logged in.
Justoverclock Spooonky actually is only for logged in user (he takes email from the user that use contact form) For the other features: Custom css for what? u want text editable by admin panel?
Spooonky Justoverclock Custom css for what? The point was settled, had a mistake in thinking sorry Justoverclock u want text editable by admin panel? Yes exactly
Justoverclock that could be done by a translation, but i could definitely think to implement this feauture in the next update 🙂
[deleted] Loving this extension. Badly needed also. You could really push the boat out here and allow the creation of custom forms 🙂
Justoverclock [deleted] i think this is too advanced (for now) for me at moment, i'm 1 month old into the development world 😆