Justoverclock i wonder if this extension need a logout button...what do you think about it? 1.3.1 logout button added composer update justoverclock/flarum-ext-welcomebox php flarum cache:clear
datlechin Justoverclock guest avatar look better when it rounded .guestavatarimg { ... border-radius: 48px; }
Justoverclock datlechin oh ok the default image, i will look at this in the next version. thx for notice me about that
Justoverclock 1.3.2 WelcomeBox now is widget-compatible, you can choose which version to use into extension settings sponsored by Spooonky 🙂
powersur I have seen a new update taking effect, the old image was big? now we have to look for our own guest welcoming picture .
Paran0lik Justoverclock Hi, is it possible to rollback to the version back? In the new version, welcomebox has moved down due to the introduction into the forum widgets. screen ! P.S. i just fix it in css
datlechin Paran0lik just disable the Use Widget Version switch if you want to rollback to earlier version, run: composer require justoverclock/flarum-ext-welcomebox:1.3.1
Justoverclock Paran0lik yeah simply into extension settings turn off "use widget version", and all become normal or simply modify the css: .containerwb { margin-top: -11px !important; } 1.3.3 fixed dark mode background for guest box
Justoverclock Paran0lik u mean for guest? u need to do the same for guest: .backgrwbguest { margin-top: -40px !important; //change this value according to your needs }
Paran0lik Justoverclock Is it possible to move this block in the mobile version of the site to the side menu? !