fakruzaruret Justoverclock can you add this popup for external links. It shopud be appear when we click external link.
Justoverclock fakruzaruret sure, this is really cool as feauture, i will work on it asap... meanwhile: Live Example: https://flarum.it/
Ralkage Justoverclock visiting your forum for the first time and refreshing the page after the modal appears makes your forum load for eternity lol can't experience the demo after that.
Justoverclock [deleted] yes for now is only when mouse goes out of the website area, but this will be implemented too, but actually i don't know if is necessary, because if u goes to back button...the popup will appear
[deleted] Justoverclock yes for now is only when mouse goes out of the website area This is going to cause you issues and a negative experience if the user for example decided to open a new tab. You might want to set options for the behaviour. Justoverclock because if u goes to back button...the popup will appear Good point, but you can build in intelligence to detect if the user is actually leaving the site altogether using the back button rather than just going back one page.
Justoverclock Here on what i'm working on the new update: External link popup that ask a confirm to leave the site ( @fakruzaruret suggestion)
User24 Justoverclock try to add the full link in bold or emphasized font to the pop so that users will read the link and thus prevents some malicious activities
Justoverclock User24 i can do this: i can include the link you've clicked on the footer into the modal, so you can see the target url
Ralkage Justoverclock try refreshing the page when the modal first appears instead of clicking on the button to dismiss it; you can try this on a fresh incognito instance.
Ralkage Justoverclock forgot to mention that I'm experiencing this issue on Firefox; it must be something unrelated to this extension as I got some console warnings about Google Analytics 🙂
Justoverclock User24 if u want to make text more visible simply add this to your custom css: .swal2-footer { text-align: center; color: #ce1111 !important; font-weight: bold; }
Justoverclock 0.2.0 New External Link popup function available Installation composer require justoverclock/flarum-ext-dontgoaway Updating composer update justoverclock/flarum-ext-dontgoaway php flarum cache:clear
Justoverclock fakruzaruret Which language? you can manage translation by your language pack, or u can install linguist