Darkle If you want absolutely nothing to appear I recommend display:none; the difference is that with visibility:hidden; It is not visible but takes up its original space while display:none; It is hidden and does not take up space.
Hari Darkle .Form-group {display:none;} .Modal-footer {display:none;} am i doing correctly , i dont want to set everything to none and end-up in a blank page😬 AWESOME .. thanks for the trick it worked 😍
Hari we have to choose password na after social login , so we should not disable .Form-group {display:none;}
Hari how to hide password field and login button ? something like .Form-group.password {display:none;} ?
Juba007 If I understand correctly you want to have only the buttons for social login. But you can not hide the form, because an input is necessary as soon as one uses the social login? I have not used this function until now. I'll have a look at it when I'm at home.
Hari gurroz https://discuss.flarum.org/d/28424-third-party-login-only-block-standard-login If you face any issues with this plugin after using for few months you may need to uninstall extension using SSH command, It's completely safe to use but just in case if you want to disable this if you get locked use the command to uninstall.