@Davis. Totally understand. Flarum's progress is a little discouraging. I keep seeing people ask about Flarum's future, and others reply with something optimistic, but I'm skeptical. If Toby is a full-time med student (I think I read that somewhere in the boards), then you can expect his time and interest increasingly going to working on human bodies, not forum software. If I was a med student, I wouldn't waste another second here.
The other troubling thing I see, or don't see, is a feature cut-off point for a first release. Frankly, I'm not sure why the current state of Flarum isn't already out the door as v1. Based on our testing, it's quite robust. It clearly needs some user-management beefing up, but that could be a v2 release. And I'm looking forward to improved categories/tags enhancements, which could be a v3 release. And it needs some admin-side layout improvements, but that could be a v4. Etc. All the other cosmetic shite can wait. I think the feature set keeps scope creeping, and the release seems to be a bit waterfall-minded (all or nothing) and that's never good.
We're at this point now where we really want to drop G+ community for our Flarum install, but we're having serious doubts about making such a huge step/plunge toward Flarum if it's going sputter along with no real future aims. It might be time somebody from the top makes a statement about the roadmap for perspective. Clearly morale in the community is low.