1Dot Hello I am new in Extensions, So I made a extension but now I am unable to make /dist/ compiled js file how can I mak that?
ctml 1Dot So isn't there any automatic tool? This will compile your browser-ready JavaScript code into the js/dist/forum.js file, and keep watching for changes to the source files. Nifty! auto-magic 🧙 did you read the link jordan posted?
1Dot ctml I generated it with npm but I am also interested in yarn Justoverclock can you tell me what it is?
Justoverclock https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/#mac-stable After that u can use yarn dev to transpile the js
1Dot Justoverclock So I copied my this ext https://github.com/ramesh-dada/mobile-flarum-newdiscuss/tree/main/js source from somewhere so it contain yarn.lock so if i am not using it can i safely remove it??
luceos Yarn replaces Npm, they both do the same thing. Yarn was born because (at some point) npm was terribly slow and often couldn't match dependencies properly. Today this advantage is mostly lost though and they are interchangeable.