Blomstra Realtime is now available for everyone to subscribe to. This websocket extension that powers the experience of realtime on Discuss has been created to offer a self-hosted alternative to the Flarum Pusher extension. It's extremely scalable, tested with thousands of concurrent users 💪
Starting development last year and writing everything from scratch, including the actual operation of a websocket server, we are overly excited to bring this extension to the ecosystem. Due to the complexity of this extension and the hours invested to make this scalable, bug free and performant while promising to do this moving forward, we cannot provide it for free, but I hope we made it interesting for everyone regardless.
There are two plans, read the OP for all the details, but in a nutshell:
- A not-for-profit plan where you take care of installation and configuration at a very low, one-off lifetime cost.
- A for-profit plan with support, including hands-on for installation, at a recurring subscription.
The plans are available through links in the OP only, because I want to prevent people from subscribing to the not-for-profit license without understanding what they signed up for 😉
If you have any questions, let me know.
If you are already using realtime, share the love 🙂