[deleted] rafaucau Could you provide a bit more clarity as to where exactly the code you've included to extend the mobile toolbar needs to be added ? Thanks
rafaucau [deleted] For now, you'll need to do this in your own extension in the same way you extend Flarum. Useful links: https://docs.flarum.org/extend/extending-extensions.html https://api.docs.flarum.org/js/v1.0.0/class/src/common/utils/itemlist.ts~itemlist
robinodds rafaucau thanks for your extension. I just not really like the way icons are highlighted: On @Littlegolden Ext:
[deleted] robinodds Yes, it does seem odd that new post is missing. For the remainder, there's always CSS...
rafaucau [deleted] Yes, it does seem odd that new post is missing. I didn't add this because it is already in the top menu of Flarum. This is a extension created for my forum, but made public at the request of users. So I'll definitely look into fixing issues, but I'm not promising new features.
Ffuser1 @rafaucau touching the tag menu in the mobile UI breaks the page. It happens only after tags is pressed. The page has to be manually refresh for it to work and after the refresh, touching it again breaks it. No error log in the server. Check it out at https://www.kobocity.com
[deleted] Ffuser1 Are you hiding the any of the "blog" tags in the blog extension settings ? For example, in the blog settings, is this enabled ? Don't show on discussion list Hide blog posts from the discussions list. If it is, disable it and try again.
[deleted] Ffuser1 I have the same issue. I want to hide the blog tag, but doing so breaks other extensions - including the "tag" extension in the same manner. I'm just going to target that specific tag with CSS and set it to display: none;
Ffuser1 [deleted] this is the settings I disabled and it worked. -hide tag in taglists It's under category subheading in blog setting's page. Are you using category extension?
rafaucau @Stylix58 has sent a PR and I am wondering whether to accept it. That is why I am asking users of this extension. Which tap effect is better? android-com-pl/mobile-tab1
[deleted] rafaucau doesn't make any difference to me. If I want to change its behaviour I'll just use CSS to do so.
Stylix58 rafaucau I have installed this extension on my forum, but I have see the button fade is not really "fading" for me.