@[deleted] I looked through the code of this extension more carefully and I see that there is a conversation page as well. So however, you can get around this lack of export by doing something like this:
import { components } from '@acpl-mobile-tab';
import { extend } from 'flarum/common/extend';
const { MobileTab, MobileTabItem } = components;
export default () => {
extend(MobileTab.prototype, 'items', (items) => {
<MobileTabItem href={app.route('conversations')} icon="fas fa-comment-alt" label={app.translator.trans('kyrne-whisper.forum.dropdown.tooltip')} />,
If you want to display a counter of unread messages you can do it similarly to what I did with notifications.
The count could probably be retrieved from app.session.user.unreadMessages