You can see how to integrate it with @1Dot 's Realtime extension?

Confirm problem above.
Plus would be nice to be able to delete conversations in two ways:

  1. any user can delete his own window chat
  2. cleaning DB by deleting post older than XX days. DB isnt endless ><

Bro you're amazing! Installing this right now...

Kyrne Is this working with Pusher? I installed Websocket and I have to refresh home screen to load new and updated discussions. It's not updating in real-time. Are there any special settings that I have made to websocket?


    The extension is not turning on

    Is there any problem with database?

      xasharma did you use shout previously?

      Kyrne If you have previously used Shout, you will need to drop the conversations messages and conversation_user tables. As well as remove the unread_messages field on the users table.


        NO, I was trying it on localhost before using it (whisper) on my main site .... Every time It is showing 15 messages unread (only for 1 user) ... So I thought I should clear the data by uninstalling it, After that it stopped working and then i removed it and reinstalled then also same error.

          Kyrne Current Limitations

          Only supports Websockets.

          Are you referring to your own WebSockets implementation/extension, or just any sort of websocket extension implementation? (Like the one from blomstra). I think the first, but can you quickly confirm? Thanks!

            Kyrne I don't have access to a copy of the real-time extension so I can't tell for sure. In my post I am referring to my extension.

            Between the lines it sounds like Whisper uses some generic APIs under-the-hood, so that realtime could work here too. If so, I'm happy to test it out on the weekend or so and report back accordingly.