tokuzou0829 I have the Japanese language pack and as a result it no longer works. I am considering reinstalling it. I have done everything I could. Clearing the cache, etc... Is there any way?
tokuzou0829 Justoverclock I used Deepl because I do not speak English. Thanks for the reply! I tried it today and it works as usual. I don't know why, but thanks for your help. Please keep up the good work!
tokuzou0829 tokuzou0829 I am not sure how to check the error, but if I do a cache clear.php flarum migrate the weather will not load, but for some reason it will load a few hours later.
ZzZSs0618 I have set apikey, but it seems that I can't get my geographical location. Is it the browser's reason?
Justoverclock ZzZSs0618 you need to press “allow” when your browser ask you to use your current position Otherwise maybe you’ve reached the api limit. Any error in console?
ZzZSs0618 Justoverclock I use the Chrome browser, but it doesn't ask me if I have permission to open it. Why?
ZzZSs0618 Justoverclock To solve my problem. I would like to make some modifications based on yours. I found the /geo-weather/js/dist/forum .js. Changed URLs, response parsing, etc. here, but it didn't work. Is it modified here? Can you help me?
Justoverclock ZzZSs0618 the extension should ask you for a permission, . check this maybe is something related with your chrome settings
VidhunNagarajan It does not work for me! I got this in consloe: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) when i go to the link in the website: {"cod":401, "message": "Invalid API key. Please see for more info."}
Justoverclock VidhunNagarajan as you can see, the apikey you paste into extension settings is not valid 🙂