davwheat xasharma I think that's actually the footer ad rather than an ad appearing under the placeholder. The footer one is a bit glitchy on discussion pages.
xasharma davwheat nope i using <center> code </code> to align it in center ... if i don't this for header and footer ad it will be on the left side And on mobile it looks great >
Darkle davwheat Yeah is for this (Justoverclock ), in fact any footer is glitchy if the position sticky is not added to the nav.
davwheat xasharma I'll try to make aligning and stuff part of the extension itself so you don't need to 🤞 Are you still having issues with between post ads?
Justoverclock xasharma try adding this into css @media (min-width: 700px) { .DiscussionPage-nav, .DiscussionPage-nav>ul { position: sticky; top: 80px; } .App {overflow-x: visible;} } .Post::before, .Post::after {content:none;}
davwheat Darkle That's something we plan to improve for v2. No more float in CSS! 💪 Justoverclock Thanks! I'll add something like that to the ext 😛
davwheat Justoverclock There are several classes on the ads already: davwheat-ad, davwheat-ad-header, davwheat-ad-footer, davwheat-ad-between-posts, davwheat-ad-between-posts--after-placeholder, davwheat-ad-sidebar, etc Released 0.0.4: https://github.com/davwheat/flarum-ext-ads/compare/0.0.3...0.0.4
Justoverclock davwheat i don't know why but i can change the padding for ads between post, can u show please an example? i've used .davwheat-ad-between-posts{ } but no effect
xasharma davwheat xasharma correct .... i disabled login to see now its working There is a extension named Login to see plus .... I have disabled the extension for the between the post ads if i enable this it cause xasharma
Walys xasharma I review this web and caution to add ads in this position in tags . View this link in mobile: https://hacksnation.com/t/give-away-and-freebies The ad takes up more than 50% of the screen in mobile with no text showing at first. Google doesn't like that with adsense. Maybe better go with ads right after the label text and not at the beginning as it is now.
xasharma Walys I don't think so .... because it is responsive ad google decides its size This is generic size for mobile ads ... i have seen other sites as well. ... EDIT - ohh sorry I got what you are saying
xasharma davwheat check now .... i enabled it and it broked forum https://hacksnation.com/ open any discussion I disabled the extension for now .... i will enable it when you come online