tangos Hello everyone! 👋 How can I get raw (only text) data from flarum with https fetch request? For example, this theme with all messages
clarkwinkelmann tangos can you describe your use case? Are you fetching this data from a script? The Flarum REST API gives you access to the information in JSON which can be easily read by a script. For example you can do GET https://discuss.flarum.org/api/discussions/28568 to get information about this discussion. There is no extensive list of API endpoints at this time but the same REST API is used by the Flarum single page app, so you can see most endpoints in the browser network console.
clarkwinkelmann tangos which language/library/platform are you using to fetch/read the file? If decoding via PHP's json_decode() or javascript's JSON.parse() those special entities will be decoded for you automatically.