Last Users Posts

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A Flarum extension. Widget that shows last users post




Install with composer:

composer require justoverclock/last-users-posts:"*"


composer update justoverclock/last-users-posts:"*"
php flarum cache:clear


just a little try

m4v3rick I will work on a fix for that. Thx
actually is strange because i can hit the api url even if im a guest


  • fixed the error for guests visitors
composer update justoverclock/last-users-posts:"*"
php flarum cache:clear
    9 days later

    How do you change the style?

    .lastposts-widget .AfruxWidgets-Widget-content {
        background: #ededed important!;

    Just doesn't work.



        .AfruxWidgets-Widget-content {
          background: #e5f1cc;


        Interesting. I cleared browser cache. Tried it in four different browser and cleared the flarum cache. What am I missing?
        I also tried a clean "Custom CSS" only with your code. Still green.

          m4v3rick code IS green XD, is just an example, u need to put your value 🙂


          .lastposts-widget .AfruxWidgets-Widget-content {
              background: #e8ecf3 !important;

          and then php flarum cache:clear

            Justoverclock my code IS green

            I know...that wasn't the problem.

            m4v3rick .lastposts-widget .AfruxWidgets-Widget-content {
            background: #ededed important!;

            Justoverclock .lastposts-widget .AfruxWidgets-Widget-content {
            background: #e8ecf3 !important;

            This was it...your code is like mine...except the "!" (wrong side - well it's late).

            So if you could add the avatar instead of the icon next to the text, it would be absolutely great 😉.

              Any way to show latest post as a title, like Hot discussions only Latest Discussions?

                First one does. The thing is my first posts are always just a picture or a video. Any way to show a little picture that is inside the post?

                  Anonymous43 this can be tricky, i think with a regex maybe is possible btw, can be a great idea for a feauture.


                  m4v3rick request to show avatar instead of fontawesome icon. so if anyone want to try this feauture simply do:

                  composer update justoverclock/last-users-posts:"*"
                  php flarum cache:clear

                  Revert to the old one

                  composer update justoverclock/last-users-posts:"0.1.5"
                  php flarum cache:clear


                  i forgot to implement a new idea that has coming after the 0.1.6....

                  • display usename on hover tooltip
                  composer update justoverclock/last-users-posts:"*"
                  php flarum cache:clear


                  Replace image url with icon @Anonymous43

                  composer update justoverclock/last-users-posts:"*"
                  php flarum cache:clear

                  i have a working version also for the youtube url, but i can do something for ALL urls (like link icon), just to use only one regex