010101 There's a lot to do. And, no promises on when it will be done. But, as I feel like it, I will be creating a retro gaming or Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) theme for Flarum.
010101 Ok, I did a little more. Still, there's a ton left to do. A lot of little things. 🙂 I may not worry about icons. Font Awesome icons don't look very retro. But, I don't (at least not right away) feel like trying to replace them with pixelated icons.
tolgaaaltas poVoq I don't think theme extensions can overwrite language packages but you can customize every single line with Linguist extension.
010101 poVoq I did this temporarily with the start discussion button. With CSS I covered up the start discussion and added just start over it. But, that won’t be in the final version since it's not translatable. People will have to use the linguist extension as tolgaaaltas said to make certain phrases shorter.
010101 I wasn’t able to continue working on this today. I don’t want to release it unfinished. But, if a couple weeks go by and I start to feel like I may not be able to work on it for a while, maybe I’ll at least release what I’ve done so far. We’ll see how things go…