Justoverclock i'm currently work on a link preview extension, but is really hard to find the right way to do this. But if anyone would test the extension live, here the demo thread (feedback appreciated) https://flarum.it/d/200-asdasdasd
corleone Justoverclock queste descrizioni le inserisci tu da solo? Sarebbe figo questa addons π This description make you alone? Great addons π
010101 Justoverclock Very nice. Doing it that way with pop ups may be best. Some might even prefer it. But, I also like how other sites do it where the first link detected is given a preview at the end of the post, and then other links are ignored. Does it grab the information live, or save it in the database?
JohnP This looks pretty nice already as it is, what is it that you are having doubts about? Completely unrelated, but when I tried to log in using Github to post something there and try it out, I get an SSL error trying to sign in.
Justoverclock i will probably give access to this extension to 0 users (registered on extiverse) to make some tests, access free and lifetime. If anyone is interested post here the extiverse username Edit: done!
Justoverclock Forhack you will see the subscription active in few hour, please share your experience and bugs