renegdn Hello, I'm a non-tech guy looking to set up a couple of Forum projects. Anyone out there interested in taking the job of installing, setting up and customising the css of this projects? Thanks and happy to join the Flarum community.
xDefcon Are you intrested to use flarum as forum software? Because ATM it is not recomended to use it in production (it's still in beta).
renegdn xDefcon Yep! It's a site that's just starting out so we could go with it for a few months (knowing possible issues might come up). If it's out of beta in 3 months or something we could go with it. Do you know when will it be ready for production? Would you be interested in helping installing it once it's ready for production? Davis Thanks, I'm signing up. Hopefully they will let me in.
Davis You could consider this:
Digital renegdn Impossible for it to get done in 3 months. Maybe yes, but the team needs to make sure it is stable before releasing it. So i think it will take more than 3 months. Milestones: As per installation, i am sure some of the experienced guys can help you with it.
Bek renegdn Anyone out there interested in taking the job of installing, setting up and customising the css of this projects? @renegdn If you interested, I can help you ?
renegdn Digital thanks for the heads up! I guess we can try the installation and see if we can go with it or wait until release.