010101 Fealist Not in this version. You could manually do it with some css. .TextEditor-toolbar .Button--icon .fas.fa-magic::before { content: "\f5ad" !important; } You may have to play around with that CSS. I haven’t tested it.
Fealist maybe it didn't work because I customized that code directly and added it to the other css field?
010101 Fealist I’ll take a look soon and likely provide you with a temporary solution. In short, you can replace font awesome icons with CSS. I’m not at a computer right now though to test.
010101 Fealist .TextEditor-toolbar .Button--icon .fas.fa-magic::before { content: "\f5ad"; } Place in your admin --> appearance --> custom css.
Fealist 010101 This code worked. It would be perfect if you add this process to the admin panel in future updates.
Justoverclock Why u don’t add a sub-buttons with all the common bb code ? Like a dropdown (but drop-up) 😅
Zedd Bahasa Indonesia flarum-bbcode-button: admin: settings: codelabel: Custom BBCode codedesc: Ketik tag pembuka dan penutup BBCode di bawah ini dan simpan. poslabel: Penempatan Kursor posdesc: Anda ingin kursor default berada di antara tag pembuka dan penutup. Sesuaikan nomor ini untuk mencapai ini. Semakin besar angkanya, semakin ke kanan kursor akan muncul. forum: composer: bbcode_tooltip: Masukkan BBCode
010101 Zedd You may search the forum here for how to contribute to translations. Or, see here. I do not know how, just pointing you in the right direction.