I don't have anyone to help me with this, but i'm sure some nice lads from here can help me! We are all technology enthousiasts I assume, which is what i need.
I already have a full time job (full stack webdev) but I do want some variation. Which is why I'd turn over to the hardware page. I have this idea to start a small PC building "company" which will also sell hardware, next to building pc's for customers or other companies + repairs/upgrades and maybe support. It will be located in Belgium only.
Now before i start this small company, i need a name. And i've only come up with one: "MV Systems"
MV = my name initials and "systems" because well .. i'll build systems. Does this sound nice already? Because I find it too mainstream for an IT company.
The name doesn't need to be dutch specifically as it's about pc stuff but if you google for "MV systems" you might already find a "MV Systems" in the netherlands, also a IT company... which is unfortunate.
So I don't know if i should stick with that name ... what else could be nice for a name?