datitisev AdonisJustin In that link, you'll have to click "Create new oAuth app", fill in the details, and then copy the client ID & secret to the modal.
datitisev Dashboard v0.1.0-beta.6.1 I think it's time to say I wasn't the smartest when I made this.... Update to fix an important security vulnerability regarding your Github account credentials! My apologies if anyone was affected.
datitisev heathcliff There shouldn't be a webhook url. This is what I see when I click "New OAuth App": I may add the ability for the update whenever beta 8 comes out to use personal access tokens instead of application id & secret.
010101 @datitisev This doesn't by any chance fix the issue where you can't rearrange tags on mobile does it?
Ralkage 010101 that is unrelated to this extension actually as it simply overrides the current vanilla Dashboard and not the tags section of the Admin CP.
datitisev Dashboard v0.1.0-beta.8 Updated for Flarum beta 8 Reworked extension updates modal Now uses Packagist API Make disabled extensions translucent to distinguish from installed Use Flarum's new dashboard widgets Compatible with flarum/statistics Removed custom versions widget Removed Github oAuth settings Remain in database Added extension settings & uninstall button to the extension view Uninstall, just like in the past, does not work EDIT DEC 3RD: Republished v0.1.0-beta.8 with the flarum constraint set to beta 8 and higher.
datitisev yahirwo My apologies. it should work npow. I forgot to update the Flarum version constraint to beta 8 or higher, so you will be able to install it on beta 7 but won’t work. I’ll fix that later today
chrisonline datitisev o use the extension updates feature, you will need to create a Github Developer App and introduce the Client ID and the Client Secret in the extension's settings Just installed it and I don't find any settings?! So where should I enter this?
datitisev chrisonline Oh, I need to update the main post. The requests use Packagist now, so you don't need a GitHub Developer App anymore. [deleted] Yes, all but a few extensions should be compatible with beta 10.
datitisev Littlegolden Uhh... might be deleted users? Not sure. The ext also only shows users with verified email addresses - might have to do with that?
datitisev Dashboard v0.1.0-beta.8.2 A very small update. I noticed some issues that needed solving 🙂. Fix modals having white background when dark mode is enabled Rework some styles to prioritize certain information Do not calculate discussion, users, posts count in forum - only admin
bertaveira Is this suppose to make the Extensions page disappear from the Administrator side bar? Because when I enable this extension it just disappears from the side navigation. I can still access the page by the link example.com/admin#/extensions but it doesn't show up in the side bar.
datitisev bertaveira Yes, it's supposed to be a replacement. The page still exists in case it's needed for troubleshooting.