eddiewebb Wrote a simple extension that blurs out discussions and listings unless the user acknowledges a legal disclaimer of your configuration to confirm their age (or acceptance) of terms. Can be used for general "you must agree" not just age checks Image, disclaimer, and buttons all customizable wording via Admin UI Applies to all users, not just registered And one feature I'm on the fence with Uses SessionStorage to reset the prompt for every visit instead of long lived cookies (idea being shared home computers still prompt) Install with: composer require webbinaro/flarum-age-check:* https://github.com/eddiewebb/flarum-age-check
Anonymous43 Wow, great. I have NSFW category. This will work perfect. But, Can you make it that it shows for guests only, and disappears as soon as they log in, and stays off as long as they logged in. Also be enabled to a specific category, not entire forum
eddiewebb Anonymous43 Those all should be possible. Login check should be quick, Login check in 0.0.6 categories might be backlog..
eLoneX eddiewebb Yea, if it can be made to choose to which discussions/tag/categories you want to apply this message, it would solve pretty much all.