BAANAN HD3D hahaha, ya imma update that, seems i had something else copied and pasted from wanting to install that.
BAANAN 1.1.0 Introducing badges to discussion list! Suggested by HD3D composer update serakoi/flarumstaffbadge php flarum cache:clear
Amarok Gatsu You are talking about the Discussion list ? Here ? @BAANAN It could be a little + if we could choose where we want to show the staff badge 🙂 Maybe in a future release ?
BAANAN Gatsu could you perhaps make a github issue and provide a link to a discussion on your instance where this happens? Would be great for debugging since i cannot reproduce this
Justoverclock BAANAN maybe there's some comfusion between discussionList and PostUser i suppose, maybe he mean on the indexPage?
BAANAN 1.2.1 New Feature: Profile titles, this can be added via the user edit menu on the user page to upgrade you will need to do: composer require serakoi/flarumstaffbadge php flarum:clear php flarum migrate
Spooonky Hey, I would like to have the extension, unfortunately it is no longer on Github. Can you maybe re-upload them?