SychO tolgaaaltas no, it's off extiverse temporarily, will try to make it available again this weekend
Boss81 Hi @SychO I just want to ask if the flarum-private-facade will be available again this weekend? Thanks for the answer.
SychO Now Free This extension is now Free, thank you to everyone who have purchased this before! composer require sycho/flarum-private-facade:* Additions URL path exclusions from force login redirect.
SychO Wadera you can exclude URLs, for example if you wanted to allow displaying tag pages, you would add /t/* (separate multiple exclusions with commas)
Boss81 Hi @SychO I would like to ask how I can make the "Log In" message on the browser tab disappear? Thank you for your help.
SychO Boss81 you can use linguist extension to change that i think. Nikol1 you have another extension that adds a login page. Disable it.
Nikol1 @SychO I have a problem with the widget when I activated it my forum disappeared error: (Flarum encountered a boot error. Details have been logged to the Flarum log file.) Log: [2023-12-30 11:37:58] flarum.ERROR: FastRoute\BadRouteException: Cannot register two routes matching "/login" for method "GET" in /data/host/skeleton/vendor/nikic/fast-route/src/DataGenerator/RegexBasedAbstract.php:55 Stack trace: #0 /data/host/skeleton/vendor/nikic/fast-route/src/DataGenerator/RegexBasedAbstract.php(18): FastRoute\DataGenerator\RegexBasedAbstract->addStaticRoute() #1 /data/host/skeleton/vendor/flarum/core/src/Http/RouteCollection.php(101): FastRoute\DataGenerator\RegexBasedAbstract->addRoute() #2 /data/host/skeleton/vendor/flarum/core/src/Http/RouteCollection.php(118): Flarum\Http\RouteCollection->applyRoutes() #3 /data/host/skeleton/vendor/flarum/core/src/Forum/ForumServiceProvider.php(221): Flarum\Http\RouteCollection->getRouteData() #4 /data/host/skeleton/vendor/flarum/core/src/Forum/ForumServiceProvider.php(59): Flarum\Forum\ForumServiceProvider->setDefaultRoute() #5
Boss81 SychO I searched in vain, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Maybe I'm blind. Can you possibly give an exact path and in which file it should be changed?
SychO Boss81 not file. Use the linguist extension: If you can't find it with that. I can't help any further
Boss81 SychO Thank you very much, it worked perfectly. To be honest, I didn't know this extension until now, but it works perfectly. Thanks again.