girefko Very cool extension! I am running into a few issues where if I Reply to a post in a discussion, it shows up as a link ![
girefko datlechin Hello, no I mean if I reply to ANY post in a discussion, it creates a Link - it acts like I replied to a different website.. and generates a rich preview
Braden Thank you for taking time creating this useful extension! Why didn't i have this idea before? 😅😅 Very cool 👍
datlechin Braden I feel jealous that Xenforo software has this built-in, but I searched on Extiverse and couldn't find any extensions like this. So I made this extension 😛😛
Justoverclock datlechin ther is but actually is premium
Umutcan Does this plugin work properly with the Formatting plugin? It doesn't interfere with the Formatting plugin, does it?
Umutcan Also there still seems to be a problem with mentions. There is a problem for mentioning, there is no problem with replys. e.g : @mekici not: mekici
datlechin Justoverclock I am using a[rel] to get all <a> tags. Somehow the mention also has a rel attribute too. On my local, there is no "rel` attribute here. but on production site it has