lisbonjoker Support for Gamification as an alternative if likes are not available and show total points?
murdocklawless m4v3rick only for badge. if you want to hide footer stats, .user-stats { visibility: hidden; }
m4v3rick Justoverclock yes I will add this in the future version Did you implement this already? Just asking because it is 1.5 years later. 😃 Top 3 Likes User: 77684 48453 45127 No. 30 has already 6k Likes.
gobbledegook I love this extension. @Justoverclock well done. What would CSS be for the stats to display permanently. ( Remove the auto-hide / mouse over ) Really appreciate your work!
Justoverclock gobbledegook thx! I think just set opacity to 1 here .CommentPost.Post { .user-stats > ul { display: flex; list-style: none; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-left: -40px; opacity: 1; transition: 0.3s; } }