luceos Hello mtrstatic Do you have any metrics about the size of the community, like number of posts, users? Can you explain what the exported format is like from Discuz, eg access to a database or is it a file based export?
mtrstatic luceos There are 1,276 topic posts and 20,000 reply posts. It is possible to migrate through the database.
mtrstatic luceos I am not a native English speaker, I am talking to you through a translator and hope you understand what I am saying.
luceos mtrstatic what type of database is that? A MySQL'ish one? mtrstatic no problem, you're doing fine 😉
luceos mtrstatic sure, find me there as luceos#0001 😉 My DM's are open if you are in the Flarum or Blomstra server 👍️
Subarist mtrstatic PHPBB2 --> Discuz6-->Discuz X33 + Discuz X33 (2 in1)-->flarum beta 12(CN version) D2F now flarum 1.2 flarum beta 12(CN version) is the only version I tested that successfully converted Just finished a few days ago 😅
Subarist askvortsov Tks, very painful conversion process, but all worth it. Now I have a very stylish, clean and fast forum.
Teddan Subarist 底部导航栏是UiTab,帖文分享不知道你说的是不是Link Preview这个插件,可以把链接自动转换成小卡片。 不然可以教我一下如何单独把用户导入的方法吗(我付费请你帮忙也行,我用户倒是只有4.2k,原文教程的那个链接已经打不开了
Subarist Teddan 我是電腦小白XD 我的舊站是十幾年前架的PHPBB2,還有個幾年前的duscuz X33 為了合併二站,復活轉到flarum才研究了一下 mega鍵結內有打包好D2F的jar原檔,我依說明文件配置java環境然後執行而已 jar內的ids.yml可以設置discuz版塊ID要對應的tag ID 這個步驟配置我花了點時間想版塊用法轉換tag 先在flarum上創建相關tag,然後在discuz上合併處理部分版塊,再進行轉換 另外也一起打包了flarum CN beta12給你 我只在這個版本上轉換成功,其它版本都會報錯 然後才往1.2升 只能幫到這了,望你成功 Flarum站点:<> ### 我该如何使用它? + 下载Jar包之后,配置好JDBC的Java驱动,输入 `java -jar jar包名.jar` 即可运行
Teddan luceos yes I know that. But he mentioned that he is not able to use English actually (he is using a translator to commuicate) . Therefore I wonder if it's easier to do this in the language that he could use. Anyway, thx for warning. Apologize for that.
luceos Teddan we have verified communities for specific languages explicitly for this purpose 😉