murdocklawless if you came to this conclusion you can probably count yourself an expert in Flarum webmastering 😉
Because you are right! Flarum is excellent because you can "tune" Flarum with extensions exactly how you need. And especially during beta's there were often extensions conflicting. This still happens and whenever it happens the usual solution lies with the extension, if that is not the case than the core team can usually patch something for a future release.
Regardless, the bigger the extension, the higher the chance of conflicting with or voiding another extension.
You can always request FoF to adopt an extension. An adopted extension would receive minimal attention to get it working, but at least it would remain active inside the scene. Making a case for each of these extensions would help the ecosystem too.
This is probably true for extensions and sometimes for core. And this is more so a drawback of open source I think. Once the ecosystem is large enough and people start making more money off of Flarum, the willingness to commission fixes should increase too.