Hari AnteikuDevs i am not sure about this. You should change to nickname driver Admin>Basic>Slug Driver: Flarum\User\User to ID
AnteikuDevs Hari There is no change the error message is still the same "The username may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes."
Hari why this extension is not published on discuss? install it by running composer require flarum/nicknames command https://github.com/flarum/nicknames
AnteikuDevs Hari Thank you today, if you need questions from yesterday, you can contact me via discord
clarkwinkelmann Hari why this extension is not published on discuss? Because it's been bundled with every new Flarum installation ever since the extension was created. Only older forums (started before Flarum beta 15) and forums that manually removed the extension would not have it already installed.