skvaller m4v3rick Yes! It looks like its updating but when I login to my flarum-site, it still says 1.2.1 PHP 8.0.20 MySQL 10.4.13-MariaDB
m4v3rick skvaller Not sure if this is the right place to keep talking about it, but did you do php flarum migrate php flarum cache:clear after updating?
skvaller m4v3rick I am sorry if I have asked my questions where I shouldn't. To explain, I thought I was in the right place. Thank you for answering, I will try what you suggest, maybe I missed that part! Thank you for your help.
m4v3rick skvaller That was no blaiming 😉 Sry if it wasn't clear what I meant. I am not sure either. But if I were you I would open a support discussion and explain the problem. Guess that's the usual procedure.
skvaller luceos Hello :-) I am not sure what you mean by "what is the output"? When I run the command, all looks like it is working but when I update the website, I'm still on the old version. I am pretty sure it is me doing something wrong!
GreXXL skvaller if you run the mentioned command in your terminal / ssh connection you will receive an output. We would need that output to better understand your problem. Also just to make sure: You are 100% sure that you are running the command in the appropriate directory (for example httpdocs) where Flarum was installed?