djemyjenab is this a design choice for all comments in a thread, or does it only link subtrees/replies of specific comments?
If it's just a design choice, it could be done with just CSS, but it would cut across some elements, like the upvote button on this very thread.
If it links "flattened" trees of comments, it's actually a very complex feature because Flarum doesn't have comment trees natively, and it's very difficult to implement. If such an extension existed, it probably wouldn't be too complicated to make it display that way instead of shifting the reply tree. To make it work with multiple levels of comment trees like Twitter does, and dynamically shift between displaying a flattened tree or requiring to visit the comment to see the tree would be incredibly complex, I wonder how much AI is involved to decide which tree deserves to be visible by default, I assume they even change it per user.