n-peugnet v1.0.4 Fixed Fix duplicated onclick router events attached to discussion links. This prevents from messing up the browser history. (thanks to @rob006, #39) Full changelog
Teddan thank you for creating this extension! but "display discussion id /title" seems not working when it's on utf-8.
n-peugnet Teddan thank you for your message, but I really don't want to manage bug reports in this thread. Please open an issue on GitHub with a little bit more information, the output of php flarum info and instructions how to reproduce.
n-peugnet v1.0.5 Fixed Fix links with utf8 slugs are not matched in PHP. (#41, reported by Teddan) Full changelog
Wlork Hello 🙂 Just to make sure I understood the purpose of this extension: Discussion A Link to Discussion B in Discussion A Link automatically created in Discussion B to Discussion A That's right ? 🙂 Discussion B can be referenced by multiple Discussions ? If we install the Link Preview extension, will it interfere?
n-peugnet Wlork Discussion A Link to Discussion B in Discussion A Link automatically created in Discussion B to Discussion A That's right ? 🙂 Exactly. Discussion B can be referenced by multiple Discussions ? Yes of course! If we install the Link Preview extension, will it interfere? Not that I am aware of, but I didn't test it myself.
n-peugnet v1.1.0 Added Emit a DiscussionReferenced event each time a discussion is mentioned from another for the first time. Add foreign key constraints to the table schema, using the "cascade" delete policy. This enforces consistency in the database and increases the performances of the relation queries. The migration deletes the invalid rows before adding the constraints to prevent failures if previously referenced discussions have been deleted. Test more PHP versions. Recommend club-1-chore-commands extension to reparse old messages. Make false the default value for "retrofit links in frontend" setting. Deprecated The "retrofit links in frontend" feature will be removed in v1.2.0. Consider using the chore:reparse command of the club-1/flarum-ext-chore-commands extension instead. Changelog Not much features added in this version, mostly cleanup. Make sure to run php flarum migrate as a migration has been added. I tried to make sure the migration runs without issues but if you encounter one, please report it on GitHub.
Wlork I have a suggestion to make, if it's possible 🙂 When a link is created in discussion that has been referenced, it would be nice if it was considered a new post. The creation is transparent, members don't necessarily notice it
n-peugnet Wlork When a link is created in discussion that has been referenced, it would be nice if it was considered a new post. The creation is transparent, members don't necessarily notice it This is how Flarum handles "Event posts", I don't think it is possible to make them behave differently.
n-peugnet v1.1.1 Fixed Fix formatting of the "retrofit links in frontend" setting and reword it to precise that it is deprecated. Changelog
peopleinside Will be nice if the link used by the extension can be the post link and not the topic link. Clicking the referral link should point to the post in the topic where the link has been present.
n-peugnet peopleinside It was made to replicate GitHub's behaviour, so I will probably not make this. The idea is to link a discussion with another, not a post to a discussion. There can be multiple posts from a source to the same target. Which one should the event post link to ? The first one ? What about the other ones ?
peopleinside Abhinaytrader From SSH command to unistall the extension.: # composer remove club-1/flarum-ext-cross-references Maybe before run this disable the extension on the back end and press the remove button to clean the database. Your link are not accessible to gusts 🙂
Abhinaytrader im not able to copy the post correctly instead of copying https://abhinaytrader.com/flarum/public/d/1997-pvrinox-pvr-inox-ltd it is copying like this https://abhinaytrader.com/flarum/public/flarum/public/d/1997-pvrinox-pvr-inox-ltd
tolgaaaltas Is it possible to add an option with this (IanM ) style? Favicon -> tag name -> discussion title -> discussion id
n-peugnet tolgaaaltas I don't have much time for this extension currently. So I will probably not add this feature myself. But I would accept a pull request for it, as long as it remains optional.