sijad @tavocado check it out: it's not released in composer yet, but please test it.
sijad Persian language pack now is compatible with beta8. there's also an RTL extension, please let me know if you find it useful. @jordanjay29 can you please remove incompatible tag?
rhaghani proxen sسلام دوست عزیز میشه لطفا در خصوص نحوه به اشتراک گذاری ویدیو در فلارم راهنمایی بفرمایین؟
masterking32 Ok, now, Its complete for version: 0.1.0-beta.14 Github: composer require masterking32/flarum-lang-persian:dev-master
mnaderian Alir3z4 Thank you. for Composer 2.0 it should be like this: composer require flarumarabia/flarum-ext-rtl:dev-master
GreXXL rob006 Try this one: I am closing this discussion. Please use the link given by @rob006 if you are interested in a Persian language pack for Flarum.