Decoration Store 社区装饰店
A Flarum extension. Add decoration store to the forum where user can purchase avatar frame, profile background, username color etc.
This extension could be useful for forum that want more interactive elements. With this extension users can customize their appearance to make them look unique in the forum. It may also motivates users to keep active, in order to gain more community money to purchase decorative items.
Required Extension
Hightlight Features
- Allow users to purchase avatar frame, profile background and username color to decorate their appearance in the forum. More decorations (such as post decoration) will be added in future update.
- More than 100 ready to use decorative resources.
- Three different types of purchase which are: one time purchase, monthly subscription and yearly subscription.
- Optimized for mobile view.
- Compatible with Profile Cover extension. But it will override the user's profile cover if he is using a profile background decorate.
- Compatiable with Anonymous Posting extension.
- Compatible with all flarum core extensions.
- Third party extensions need to use the export function
and usernameWithColor
from this extension to display user's avatar frame and username color.
You need subscribe this extension at Extiverse. Once subscribed, follow the instructions at Extiverse to configure composer, and then run the following command to install this extension.
无法在Extiverse上支付的用户,可以加我的QQ 2091714527后通过微信或支付宝来支付。
Install with composer:
composer require ziiven/flarum-decoration-store
Extra Configuration
To use the subscription and item discount countdown feature, you need to add cron job to your crontab:
run crontab -e
in the server terminal
Then add * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php flarum schedule:run
composer update ziiven/flarum-decoration-store
php flarum migrate
php flarum assets:publish
php flarum cache:clear
Please also check my other works 😃
Premium Decoration Store 社区装饰店
Premium Raffle Ticket 刮刮乐
Premium Pay To See 付费可见内容
Free Daily Check In 每日签到
Free Post Number 帖子楼层
Free View History 浏览历史
Free Money Transfer 社区转账
Free Money Leaderboard 社区资金排行榜
Free Fireworks 烟花
Store page
This is the page where user can browse your store items.

Decoration page
User can "equip" his purchased decoration item in the decoration page.

Purchase history page
List all the purchased items with details. User can also unsubscribe/resubscribe items in this page.

Discussion page
The avatar frame and username color in discussion.

User card
This is what the user card looks like.

Settings page
You can manage your store items in ACP.

Build-in images