I have been running a new forum for a month, and it is my first Flarum install. I would like to point out that a lot of my users were not activating their accounts but I had next to no visibility about this in the admin dashboard.
I realized late (by clicking on the users) that some were in that state and that the probable cause was because of email soft bounces. I now have an smtp relay that gives me better visibility on the soft-bounces that occur, and I can initiate communication with those users to see how to remediate their situation.
I suspect a lot of new forum admins are simply not relying on external email relays. So I believe it would be immensely useful for admins to have a visual indicator, when looking at the list of users, telling them if a user has not completed activation.
Also, as a side note, I was a bit confused when I first wanted to post this under "Feedback-Feature", but it was not possible to create a discussion there. I ended up creating a discussion here, but perhaps the feature tag description from the feedback section could be revisited. For reference, it is included below (emphasis mine):
Talk about Flarum's current and upcoming features, as well as ideas and specs for new ones.