Can someone explain how this extension works? Anytime someone creates a discussion, the first reply will be of chatGPT, right? Or do you have to mention it for it to reply? Also, how is this functionality implemented in terms of synchronous execution when one doesn’t have a queue installed? Will the post that mentions the bot be blocked until the bot responds and then the human and bot posts would be posted one after another?
Finally, does it work? Since some of the last replies say it stops working after a while.
P.S. I installed this on a copy of my forum to test it. Correct me if I'm wrong but you can't make the assigned user to reply when it's being mentioned? Or am I missing something? It can only reply after the first post and it doesn't matter if you mention the assigned user or not, it always replies? That kind of makes it very awkward to use since any time a user on my forum creates a discussion, the ChatGPT will respond and that's not really funny. Unless I'm missing something really basic in the configuration, I would prefer if the ChatGPT can reply only when mentioned. Besides, why is the assigned user field called "User Prompt" and not "User ID"? Maybe I'm getting it wrong but I would expect a "prompt" field to contain free text that when detected in a post would prompt ChatGPT to reply. Besides, "Enable on discussion started" is confusing, basically it's the same as enable/disable the entire extension, right? I thought when disabled it would actually allow for ChatGPT to not automatically-reply after the first post but only when mentioned, however that's not the case and it completely stops responding, so it's just an enable/disable toggle which is redundant since there's the global enable/disable toggle for the extension.