
A Flarum extension. Basic Package Manager without any complicated UI.
After enabling the extension, you will see a new tab in the admin panel called “PackMan”. There you can enter the composer command (require, update, remove, or prohibits) and the package name (for example: bilgehanars/packman) and click on “Execute”. The extension will run the command and show you the output in a text area below. You can also see the list of packages that are required by composer for flarum while the page is loading.
Refresh the page after reading the output to see to changes
Example for install a package:
Package Name= vendor/packageName
For the see installed extension:
Command= prohibits
Package Name= <empty>
- Simple and intuitive interface for executing composer commands
- Ability to install, update, remove, and check dependencies of flarum packages
- Validation of input to prevent invalid operations (such as removing flarum/core)
- Increased memory limit and time limit for running composer commands
- Use of COMPOSER_HOME environment variable to avoid permission issues
Install with composer:
composer require bilgehanars/packman
composer update bilgehanars/packman:"*"
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear